Note any similarities?
November 16th
On Sunday we all hit the road with Kirsten, Matt's assistant, to the Juming Museum in Taipei. Kirsten had our trip planned down to the minute...a dangerous expectation when traveling with a toddler, but we went for it. We took a tour bus up through the mountains of Yanmingshan National park to the other side of the mountain range where the museum is. It was about an hour long commute. According to this little pamphlet I have from the museum, the address says it's in Taipei, but I don't believe them. Perhaps it's Taipei County...hmmm. Either way, talk about scenic route! At one point we were so high up we were in the clouds. It was really awesome. I can only imagine what it would be like on a clear day.
I must admit that I was really nervous about taking Caitlin on another bus trip. During the week she had another "episode" in a cab. She was reading a book while we were moving and that tripped her little motion sensor and she got sick. What a mess! Luckily, she handled this leg of the trip well.
The Juming museum is named after the artist, Ju Ming who was born in 1938. He is dubbed a "traditional craftsman" who has dabbled in all sorts of media to carve sculptures. Although an artist from day one, it wasn't until the late 1970's that his career took off. The museum is home to many different collections of his work. About 75% of the displays are outdoors. What fun! During the late spring, summer and early fall the grassy areas are open for recreation. Although we didn't get to lounge on the grass, we still had a great time. Here are some pictures from our travels: 
This one reminded me of Caitlin and myself playing.
This one reminded me of Caitlin and myself playing.
The Taiwan Army marching uphill
Matt joined the army! This pose got a laugh from a nearby group.
The zipper pond. The entire zipper was made out of concrete.
This was really neat. There were a whole bunch of them suspended over a stream.
I believe Juming is most well known for these TaiChi sculptures
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