Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby it's COLD outside!

Well, it was 70-something degrees one day and then 58 the next. Guess I should expect radical weather in December! I laughed at myself for feeling was one of those moments that I realized I've been in Taiwan too long when 58 degrees seems chilly. I know that our families and friends up and down the east coast are absolutely freezing. Every time I move to a warmer climate I think, goodness, they should all join me here!

Regardless of the weather I still took Caitlin out to to the park burn some energy. She got a little frustrated with the wind blowing her hair into her eyes, but otherwise she had tons of fun moving around the jungle gym. The streets seemed so much quieter on such a cold day. Everyone must have stayed inside. Not us!
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1 comment:

Alycia said...

So cute Tara! She looks so much like your husband in this picture :) Enjoy your trip home! I bet you all will be FREEZING!