Friday, September 12, 2008

The "Tub"

If you were to ask Caitlin and I where our favorite place in Taipei is we'd say, "The Tub!" Little Caitlin can't seem to make the "c" sound in club and replaces it with a "t." "The Tub" (aka the "American Club China" most commonly referred to as the ACC), is a country club for expats and citizens alike who are interested in meeting other people from around the world. Remember I blogged about my melting pot experience in the park a couple weeks ago? Let's call that the clay pot of melting pots. The ACC is like the fine china of melting pots. And secretly (well, I guess not so secretly anymore) I LOVE IT.

The club isn't too far from our house...probably less than a 10 minute cab ride if you're going in the middle of the day. It's located right next to "The Grand Hotel" which is something I totally love about it. Even at the most simple restaurant you have a fantabulous view of the Grand Hotel and all of its color and majesty. The other thing that I really love about it is that even in the middle of a major bustling metropolis, the setting is serene. No one can do serene quite like the Asian culture. They use landscape, water and music to block out the sounds of the city and post signs that ban cell phone use (not a problem for me because I still don't have one and am loving the freedom).

Because I love to eat, let's talk about the food. Oh, the options...first, there is bar called "Rendezvous" where you can eat, watch a game, go to happy hour, enjoy live entertainment or have a fun dinner. In addition to a zillion other cuisines they serve traditional western bar food and cocktails. Yum. It's quite polished and more like a swanky night club meets martini and cigar bar rather than a sports bar. Complete with lights and ambiance...Speaking of sports bar, the "ACC Sports Bar" has a pool table, giant flat screen TV and a bunch of other manly stuff (and since I'm all girly and I'm doing the blogging that's about all I'll mention on that. I'll probably never step foot in that room.). Next door to "Rendezvous" is the "Napa Grille." Oh how I love that name! Anything with the word "Napa" in it brings a smile to my face. Gotta love California wine country! Anyway, the "Napa Grille" is the finest dining at the ACC. Complete with an age limit and dress code. Obviously, we won't be frequenting this establishment too often. But when we do our taste buds will relish unique flavor combinations such as "swordfish carpaccio with eggplant caviar or pan-seared yellowfin tuna steak with lemon oreganata potatoes and sautéed mustard greens." that serve that with chicken instead of fish? On second thought, don't worry about it. I'll just drink the wine. Who needs food when there are vast selections of wine from the Napa Valley?

Then there is "Sigis" which offers both indoor and outdoor dining. I just love the look of this place and the food...oh, the food (can you tell that we've been there a couple times already?) It's everything you need when you can't get your stove to stay lit or you can't find the right ingredients to make anything you've got a hankering for or you just CAN'T (believe me, there is such a syndrome as "CAN'T." I believe it's unique to expats in Taipei). And they love Caitlin-complete with all her messes and fun. It's my own special mommy place for happy hour. Come to think of it, Sigis leads to many happy hours. Preceding dinner happiness is because I know I don't have to cook and my family will still have a healthy dinner. During dinner happiness is actually more like elation because I am consuming really good food and I didn't have to do anything but point. Then there is post dinner happiness because I know I won't get stuck doing the dishes and can just bask in the joy of a food coma. The portions my be large or perfectly normal...I don't know because I clear my plate each time I'm served. Simply put, I love it. Oh, and they serve chocolate fondue. I've never actually had it, but the first women visitor that I have will be tossed in a cab to join me for wine and chocolate covered bliss. Beware!

Finally there is the "Terrace." The "Terrace" is the most simple of dining establishments, but also very tasty. Caitlin and I have been there for lunch at least 2 times each week we've been here. After a morning of swimming, climbing and playing this is the perfect spot! They've got a salad bar and a dessert display - complete with cookies, YUM!!! I haven't actually tried the cookies yet in fear that they might be delicious and then I'll need to have one every time I'm there. Obviously I have no self control when it comes to cookies. Chocolate chip to be specific. They've got great paninis too...okay, enough with this food business. I'm starting to get hungry and we just left the place!!

How about the facilities? For kids, this is the place to be. There are outdoor swings, slides, climbers, see-saws, animals on giant springs and rubber floors. There are indoor climbers and chutes. The nursery is most impressive. First is the level of cleanliness. There is an air purifier, place to wash your hands, a place to leave your shoes at the door and little sanitary stations to get some of that alcohol stuff to clean your hands with. No one is allowed in with a cold. There's a bit of a security system and a babysitter who will watch up to 15 children between the ages of 2-6 (for a maximum of 2 hours). There are lots of toys, puzzles, colors, blocks, ride in cars, slides, kitchen set, climber, slide. The place is totally stimulating and fun! Caitlin LOVES it. There are teen rooms with plenty of fun stuff, snacks and media. There's a library, movie rental, spa/hair place, conference rooms, ball rooms, pools, saunas, jacuzzi, loungers, tiki/poolside bar, social events, Sunday brunch, tennis courts, squash courts, personal trainers, couches, swim team, swim lessons, workout facilities, fitness classes...I'm probably still just scratching the surface. It really is quite the place.

For more reading pleasure go to Hope to be able to bring y'all there someday!

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